According to Section 146 of Philippine’s IP Code, a certificate of registration may be renewed for periods of 10 years at its expiration upon payment of the prescribed fee and upon filing of a request. Such request may be made at any time within 6 months before the expiration of the period for which the registration was issued or renewed, or it may be made within 6 months after such expiration on payment of the additional fee.
We need the following information/documents for filing a trademark renewal request in Philippines:
- Information of the trademark needs to be renewed;
- Power of Attorney.
PSIP provides trademark renewal service with a reasonable quote!

* "Small Entity" refers to any natural or juridical person whose assets are worth not more than One Hundred Million Pesos (PIOOM) ;
* "Big Entity" is any natural or juridical person whose assets are worth more than One Hundred Million Pesos (PIOOM);
* The IPO will not examine the assets of the applicant.
PSIP provides the below trademark renewal timeline for a better understanding of the renewal period and grace period.